Action Item #3 Write Senator Clinton's First Blog Post
The guest post for the first post on the official Hillary Clinton blog will probably go to someone from one of the early primary/caucus states. But you never know who'll write the and it would probably be pretty cool if it was me or one of you. I basically updated this post and submitted it, but be as creative as you can.
If anyone can fix America Hillary can! She's intelligent, savvy and determined. Its time for a woman to lead this country and we have the sharpest woman in Washington making her way to being the President of the Untied States in 2008!
Denise Bensusan
Hillary Clinton is talking about Control over Pakistan - IS IT US Policy to CONTROL over countries of interest? where is your so called democratic thinking?
IF Hillary is elected, we will run a campaign in Pakistan with help of Pakistan electronic media to distnace itself from US Hillary is president and will request GOVT to shut down all US offices in Pkaistan including US Embassy.
after all DEMS or REP you are disgusting monsters hiding under the veil fo Democracy - shame on you AMERICANS
hi nice blog. How can I e-mail you?
I am agree with Denise. She is the one who can fix it. One thing I can understand, which is this... Oil, Gold and unemployment is increasing. Why are we looking to increase the H1 visa for outsider and let them take the jobs b/c they have their network and fake experiences.
I am agree with Denise. She is the one who can fix it. One thing I can't understand, which is this... Oil, Gold and unemployment is increasing. Why are we looking to increase the H1 visa for outsider and let them take the jobs b/c they have their network and fake experiences.
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